Pre-Race Nutrition: What to Eat Before Marathon Day

As a runner, you know how important it is to be properly fueled and hydrated before race day. The last thing you want is for your body to give out on you mid-race due to dehydration or lack of energy. Eating the right foods before the Colorado Marathon can help ensure you have the energy and stamina to make it across the finish line. Let’s take a look at what to eat before race day.

It’s All About Carbs 

Carbohydrates are your body’s main source of fuel during an endurance event like a marathon, half marathon, 10k, or 5k, so loading up on them before race day is essential. Stick with complex carbs such as oatmeal, quinoa, sweet potatoes, and brown rice for long-lasting fuel. Avoid simple carbohydrates like candy and white bread as they will burn off quickly and leave you feeling sluggish during the race.

Additionally, make sure to get some protein in before your run. Protein helps build muscle strength which will come in handy when running long distances. Good sources of protein include eggs, nuts, legumes, and lean meats like chicken and fish. Find a great selection of protein bars and other healthful snacks to fuel your run at Honey Stinger!

Timing Is Everything 

The timing of your meals is just as important as what you eat. You’ll want to avoid eating too close to race time; eating too late can lead to stomach cramps or nausea during your run. Try having a light meal 2-3 hours before the start of the marathon; this gives you enough time for digestion so your body can focus its energy on running instead of breaking down food! Make sure not to overdo it though; eating an overly large meal can lead to uncomfortable bloating during your run.

Hydration Is Key  

You can’t forget about hydration! Proper hydration plays a vital role in performance by helping regulate body temperature, lubricating joints and tendons, aiding digestion, and more — all of which are key when running long distances in a downhill race. Start hydrating several days in advance by drinking plenty of water throughout the day leading up to race time; don’t wait until just before the marathon starts! Also, be sure not to forget about electrolytes to replenish your system and keep your muscles from cramping up. Sports drinks are great sources of electrolytes but they are also packed with sugar that can be dehydrating. Get a boost of electrolytes from coconut water or even a shot of pickle juice. Better yet, enjoy a honey-fueled hydration mix like those offered by Honey Stinger for rapid hydration!

When it comes to running one of the best downhill races in Colorado, you want to be on top of your game on race day to maximize performance and feel your best along the way. Follow these handy tips to help you plan your pre- and post-race diet to support your optimal performance and recovery. Ready for race day? Register for the upcoming Colorado Marathon to secure your spot in the event. Take advantage of today’s registration rates before the next price increase, and we can’t wait to see you on race day!