by Colorado Marathon | Mar 13, 2023 | Blog |
As a runner, you know how important it is to be properly fueled and hydrated before race day. The last thing you want is for your body to give out on you mid-race due to dehydration or lack of energy. Eating the right foods before the Colorado Marathon can help ensure...
by Colorado Marathon | Feb 27, 2023 | Blog |
Every year, thousands of runners from all over the country flock to Fort Collins for the annual Colorado Marathon to run this coveted downhill course along the Poudre River. With so much to see and do in one of the most popular towns in the state, you’ll want to make...
by Colorado Marathon | Feb 14, 2023 | Blog |
As we celebrate American Heart Month, it’s important to stay heart-smart, especially when it comes to running marathons. Whether you are a seasoned marathoner or just getting started on your running journey, here are four tips for marathon runners to help you maximize...
by Colorado Marathon | Feb 3, 2023 | Blog |
It’s easier to run downhill, right? The Colorado Marathon’s 1,200ft elevation loss has led to thousands of Boston Marathon qualifiers and PRs, but it’s also contributed to DNFs for those who were not prepared for the unique challenges of extended running downhill. How...
by Colorado Marathon | Jan 23, 2023 | Blog |
Looking for a way to celebrate your big accomplishment after you run the Colorado Marathon? Well, look no further than Fort Collins. This Northern Colorado city is home to some of the best restaurants, breweries, and attractions around. So if you’re wondering what to...